
Colored scanned copy of passport first and last page with Minimum Six month validity with minimum 3 blank pages.

Confirmed Hotel booking vouchers

Confirmed Flight Tickets


Colored passport sized photographs with white background in JPG/JPEG format.

Photo Specifications:

  • White background with face size of 80% of the photo
  • Height X Width : 4.5cms X  3.5cms
  • No Hats or masks.  Religion headgear is allowed, But face should be shown properly

Tourist Visa (Stamp Visa):

  • Processing time: Upto 7 working days (processing time completely depends on consulate)
  • Stay period: Up to 30 days
  • Validity: 3 months
  • Entry: Single


  • All documents need to be presented in the given order.
  • Applications cannot be submitted more than 1 months prior to departure.
  • The applicant bears responsibility concerning all content of the application.
  • Please note that Embassy deserves the right to ask for additional documents or personal appearance for an interview, submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee that visa is granted.
  • Submission of incomplete documents and refusal to appear for a special interview may result in rejection of application.
  • The visa fee, according to Dubai regulations is non-refundable.
  • This document is just for information purpose and one cannot hold Columbus Vacations Pvt Ltd responsible if the required documents change without prior notice.

Additional documents for applicants visiting friends or relatives:

  • Proof of residence of the acquaintances (friends or relatives) living in Azerbaijan
  • Copy of invitation letter to Azerbaijan received from them
  • Contact numbers of at least two acquaintances living in Azerbaijan
  • Note: The Immigration officers may ask for additional information

For Assistance Contact or WhatsApp us @: 

+918885218991 or +919281022817